GPL Demo


GPL Demo

by Steg » Tue, 29 Sep 1998 04:00:00

What do I need to run GPL demo? I've got a Pentium 233MMX, Diamond Monster
1, 32Mb RAM and it's unplayable. The sound is all wrong, engine noise more
like a diesel truck and the frame rate is 1fps or less!



GPL Demo

by KPineb » Wed, 30 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Got the most recent issue (November) in the mail yesterday.  There is a
"round-up" section about racing sims and arcade games, led off with a one-page
write-up (not a review) on GPL.

Check it out for a giggle.  (Read it at the newstand, preferably -- it won't
take you long.)  Enthusiasts will cringe.  And I think even Zonker would admit
that the writer had no clue.

Oh, and I have learned from CGW that GPL requires no 3D hardware!  Sheesh.

Just a couple of days ------



GPL Demo

by KPineb » Wed, 30 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Got the most recent issue (November) in the mail yesterday.  There is a
"round-up" section about racing sims and arcade games, led off with a one-page
write-up (not a review) on GPL.

Check it out for a giggle.  (Read it at the newstand, preferably -- it won't
take you long.)  Enthusiasts will cringe.  And I think even Zonker would admit
that the writer had no clue.

Oh, and I have learned from CGW that GPL requires no 3D hardware!  Sheesh.

Just a couple of days ------



GPL Demo

by Zonk » Wed, 30 Sep 1998 04:00:00

>Got the most recent issue (November) in the mail yesterday.  There is a
>"round-up" section about racing sims and arcade games, led off with a one-page
>write-up (not a review) on GPL.

>Check it out for a giggle.  (Read it at the newstand, preferably -- it won't
>take you long.)  Enthusiasts will cringe.  And I think even Zonker would admit
>that the writer had no clue.

So there is a breakdown in communciations between Sierra's Marketing and Press
Relations and the magazines. I'm crying tears here.

Like i say, just because a review appears anywhere on  anything, it's up to
the reader to determine, not the Reviewer what to buy.

Maybe we need a magazine that review's magazine reviews?

The demo doesn't require 3D hardware, does it? :)


Ed Benso

GPL Demo

by Ed Benso » Wed, 30 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Sounds like you're using Windows98. The demo was released before 98 came out.
I don't remember all of the details of the workaround, but a quick fix that at
least made the game playable for me was: Copy the file wininet.ini from the
GPLDEMO folder to the GPLDEMO\PROGRAM folder. Edit wininet.ini, changing the
line "lastRasterizerDLL=" to the appropriate video driver (rend.dll,
rast3dfx.dll, or soft.dll).
The main point though, is that these problems will not be present in the
actual release.

Ed Benson

> What do I need to run GPL demo? I've got a Pentium 233MMX, Diamond Monster
> 1, 32Mb RAM and it's unplayable. The sound is all wrong, engine noise more
> like a diesel truck and the frame rate is 1fps or less!

> Steg

Marc J. Nelso

GPL Demo

by Marc J. Nelso » Wed, 30 Sep 1998 04:00:00

> Oh, and I have learned from CGW that GPL requires no 3D hardware!

It doesn't, but HIGHLY recommended!  =P


Marc J. Nelson
The Sim Project -
Extinct Track Archive -

* Switch with to reply...Confused-yet? *


GPL Demo

by Matz » Thu, 01 Oct 1998 04:00:00

Weird...I've got a AMD K6, Monster I, 64 MB SDRAM and GPL really kicks
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