Problems adding my picture in Nascar 3


Problems adding my picture in Nascar 3

by Herbzill » Tue, 14 Dec 1999 04:00:00


I have been trying to add my picture to the Driver Info screen in
Nascar 3, but have had no success to this point. I followed the
instructions word for word that were listed in the Nascar 3 Readme
file, however when I try to add my picture there is still just a blank
black box there.

One thing I did notice is the file size of my picture is different than
the template they give you to use. The "driverpic" template file that
is in the Nascar 3 "Cars" folder is about 59k. I opened that file and
pasted my picture in using Corel Photo-Paint #8 and then saved it as a
TGA file with the same name as the car I wanted to import the photo
into. When I went in to Nascar 3, displayed the driver info for my car,
then clicked on "Import TGA" nothing seemed to happen. The box where
the picture is supposed to go was still blank. When I tried to exit I
received a "Save changes?" message, so something must have happened,
but no picture. Weird stuff.

Anyway, when I exited the game and looked at my picture file I noticed
that it was about 89k as opposed to the 59k that the "driverpic" file
is. My only conclusion is that I did not save my picture properly. I am
not totally familiar with Corel Photo-Paint, so perhaps I was supposed
to select a certain setting that would allow me to save the picture in
a certain compression format? I know it is a TGA file, but it is not
the same file size as the template file.

Is there anyone that can help me out?

Thanks in advance,

Mark J. Herbert (a.k.a. "Herbzilla")

eFax: (520) 244-5768

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Problems adding my picture in Nascar 3

by Paul » Tue, 14 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Make sure you save it as 16 bit uncompressed.  


Problems adding my picture in Nascar 3

by Herbzill » Wed, 15 Dec 1999 04:00:00


That's the problem. I do nto know how to save it as 16 bit uncompressed
using Corel Photo-Paint 8. I'm sure there must be an option for that
but I haven't been able to find it. Any ideas?

> Make sure you save it as 16 bit uncompressed.

> >Hi,

> >I have been trying to add my picture to the Driver Info screen in
> >Nascar 3, but have had no success to this point. I followed the
> >instructions word for word that were listed in the Nascar 3 Readme
> >file, however when I try to add my picture there is still just a
> >black box there.

> >One thing I did notice is the file size of my picture is different
> >the template they give you to use. The "driverpic" template file that
> >is in the Nascar 3 "Cars" folder is about 59k. I opened that file and
> >pasted my picture in using Corel Photo-Paint #8 and then saved it as
> >TGA file with the same name as the car I wanted to import the photo
> >into. When I went in to Nascar 3, displayed the driver info for my
> >then clicked on "Import TGA" nothing seemed to happen. The box where
> >the picture is supposed to go was still blank. When I tried to exit I
> >received a "Save changes?" message, so something must have happened,
> >but no picture. Weird stuff.

> >Anyway, when I exited the game and looked at my picture file I
> >that it was about 89k as opposed to the 59k that the "driverpic" file
> >is. My only conclusion is that I did not save my picture properly. I
> >not totally familiar with Corel Photo-Paint, so perhaps I was
> >to select a certain setting that would allow me to save the picture
> >a certain compression format? I know it is a TGA file, but it is not
> >the same file size as the template file.

> >Is there anyone that can help me out?

> >Thanks in advance,
> >Mark

Mark J. Herbert (a.k.a. "Herbzilla")


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Before you buy.

Daxe Rexfor

Problems adding my picture in Nascar 3

by Daxe Rexfor » Wed, 15 Dec 1999 04:00:00


>That's the problem. I do nto know how to save it as 16 bit uncompressed
>using Corel Photo-Paint 8. I'm sure there must be an option for that
>but I haven't been able to find it. Any ideas?

Look in the help files under 'palette', it should direct you to the
appropriate menu item.  I don;t have the software around, but try looking
under things like 'format', 'color depth', etc.  Also, As you go to export
it as a tga (or whatever it wants) look for an 'options' button on the save

You could also email me the picture and I could convert it for you in
Photoshop if you can't find it in Photo-Paint.

(take away the takemeaway)

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