to add to the existing sheet (there are some alternate sheets
available at ) you have to first unpack the
LAYOUT.DAT file - the decals are a file called DECAL.PCX that can be
edited with Paint Shop Pro or something same as playing with the car
paint job - if you just change existing decals without changing the
location and size of them, that's all you have to do, edit it and
repack - if you ADD a decal to a empty spot on the sheet, it gets more
involved - you have to keep the same color for the background and the
border and you also have to add the x,y pixel coordinates of your new
decal to a file called PKDECALS.LST - it's a plain text file also in
LAYOUT.DAT - the coordinates tells the paint kit what part of the
sheet to designate for each decal - you add a line showing the top
left x/y pixel and the bottom right x/y pixel and then repack