layed out in photoshop, saved as a PCX, placed in N3 directory. When in the
paint area, I hit "import"... it asks me if I want to import some other
stuff too, but whether I hit yes or no, nothing happens.
Any suggestions?
Any suggestions?
try this
-<+>-Well, I can't figure out how to import a paint job - I used a template,
-<+>-layed out in photoshop, saved as a PCX, placed in N3 directory. When in the
-<+>-paint area, I hit "import"... it asks me if I want to import some other
-<+>-stuff too, but whether I hit yes or no, nothing happens.
-<+>-Any suggestions?
> try this
> -<+>-Well, I can't figure out how to import a paint job - I used a template,
> -<+>-layed out in photoshop, saved as a PCX, placed in N3 directory. When in the
> -<+>-paint area, I hit "import"... it asks me if I want to import some other
> -<+>-stuff too, but whether I hit yes or no, nothing happens.
> -<+>-
> -<+>-Any suggestions?
> -<+>-
> -<+>-thx
> -<+>-Andrew
> -<+>-