> Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go !!!!!
> This year will in all future times be known as "the year of GPL Rally2"...
> it's that good ! ;)
> The GPL Rally2 forum can be found here:
> http://forum.racesimcentral.com/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=303
> Mikkel
> PS: It might motivate a few of you to know that we have a "Nvidia FX"
> graphics card up for grabs as one of the prizes this year... all drivers who
> finish the rally will be in the lottery and we'll draw a random winner. This
> means that everyone has an equal chance, it does not matter if you are fast
> or slow as long as you finish the rally.
The first track will be released TOMORROW (jan 22) !!!!
It's an indoor(!!) arena track, check out some amazing screenshots
here: http://forum.racesimcentral.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=53240&high...
You'll have exactly two weeks to submit a stage time for this track.
/Magnus T
- - - - GPL Track Database - - - http://magnust.d2g.com - - - -