A Intel PII-333 is better for *** than a K6-2 400 simply becuase
the Floating Point is horrid on the K6-2, that is why AMD developed
the 3DNow instruction set. Yoy should see a comparison of Quake II
with and without the 3DNow support patch.
What I would do is flash the Asus P5A bios to the newest version and
go and buy a K6-3 450. The onboard L2 cache will give you a very nice
perormance boost. You should also make sure your bios settings are
optimized for speed. Make sure you also do not have any other
programs running in the background, With a decent video card,
suffieicent memory, as you have, its likely the processor which is
hampering you, since Sierra was not about to add 3DNow instructions to
the N2 engine. By the way an additional 64 megs would likely add a
few fps. In addition you could use a program like powerstrip to o/c
the video card a few MHz. Make sure everything is sufficiently
>Something is wrong somewhere.
>I'm using p2-333mhz, 66mhz bus, 128mb ram, CL voodoo2 12mb.
>I run the game in 1024 x 768, 3dfx, anti-alaising on
>In a full Dega field w/39 cars drawn ahead
>Track draw set to 2
>Infield junk & clouds off
>Get 20 fps in heavy traffic and gets to 30 when field gets going
>With your CPU and vid card I would expect you to do better than me.
>Andrew B.
>> Hello All,
>> Please lend your knowledge to me.
>> I have N3 and I can't seem to get a solid 30 fps at all. The only time
>> I can get solid 30's is in Testing Mode. When I go the the TRACK, I get
>> 20 fps tops, even with sound on 8bit, cars heard 1, all graphics off
>> except cars, 4 cars ahead, track drawn = 1. This is real sad. Can
>> someone please share with me if my system is a dog, or if something is
>> not running right?
>> Here it is:
>> AMD K6-2 350
>> Asus P5A-B with latest BIOS
>> 64MEG RAM
>> 4.3 WD Ultra-33 HDD
>> Sound Blaster Live Value PCI with latest drivers from Creative
>> 3dfx Voodoo 3 2000 AGP with latest drivers from 3dfxgamers.com
>> Thrustmaster T2 Wheel
>> Thrustmaster ACM game card
>> Any suggestions would be great!
>> Thank you.
>> Henry Hohn
>> "Jazzed1"