place it shows up all te time is at Rouen, just after rounding the first
two right handers... sky texture is messed up. Also, at Monaco the
stone wall on the right just after exiting the tunnel is usually hosed.
More problems usually develop after switching from the car to pit screen
(I only drive in-car... haven't inspected other views for errors yet).
I have a Guillemot Phoenix with the latest bios and 3DFX's release
reference drivers. The problem I'm experiencing appears to be an
overheating problem, but I doubt that is the cause. My motherboard temp
is always around 87F-89F, and only drops to 84F with the case off. Two
case fans installed plus power supply fan is reversed. I've had the
same problems happen at all resolutions with all features on or off.
Overclocking the Banshee aggravates the problem (again, this hints
towards overheating) but underclocking doesn't cure it either. I'm
beginning to think it's simply a video driver issue. Any thoughts?
Anybody else have this problem? Here's my system:
Abit BH-6 (FL bios)
128M PC-100 SDRAM
Celeron 266 (usually overclocked to 448... lower speeds did not affect
this graphics issue)
Guillemot Phoenix AGP (latest bios & reference drivers)
AGP apperture set to 256
All caching disabled
AGP set at 2/3 bus speed
Another reason I think it's a driver issue is that I cannot select above
800x600 in GLQuake II... using the latest minigl which correctly
identifies the card as a Banshee... offers higher resolutions but
reverts to software if I select higher than 800x600. I can live without
Quake II, but this GPL conflict is getting annoying. I gets so bad that
I have to exit and restart the game =( I hope someone can help!
Eric Ruhl
Relativity on TEN