How are Virtual Karts and Screamer?


How are Virtual Karts and Screamer?

by Trilogyv » Sun, 28 Jan 1996 04:00:00

I saw these two programs in the store and considered buying them, but
thought I'd ask everyone's opinion first.  I enjoy my Nascar and Indycar.
Need for Speed plays a little too slow and choppy on my DX4/100/16MRAM
with 2MVRAM #9 PCI card.  Are they worth the money?


Paul L. Finnemor

How are Virtual Karts and Screamer?

by Paul L. Finnemor » Sun, 28 Jan 1996 04:00:00

I can't comment on Virtual Karts, never having played it. I do, however, own Screamer. To be
honest, I am more than a little indifferent to Screamer. I bought it in order to get more of the
same of Need for Speed (more tracks PLEASE!). I was disappointed. It's an okay game, but it has
neither the handling or graphics of Need for Speed - it is a bit 'cartoony' and the handling
leaves more than a bit to be desired. If you like pure arcade games, then I suppose you'd
probably like it. Personally, I was after a more light-hearted simulator to provide light relief
between bouts of NasCar and IndyCar II. Whilst NFS succeeds in this role, Screamer falls short
for being just too arcadey. It also has the world's most annoying voice-over. As to how quickly
it will run on your system, I don't know. It is quite complicated graphically, and therefore may
be a devil to run in SVGA. The VGA mode is much better than that in NFS, which is pretty poor.
The resolution seems better, and doesn't get as blurred and mixed up as NFS.

In summary - if you want a straightforward arcade conversion, buy Screamer. If you want anything
remotely approaching realism, don't.



*               Paul L. Finnemore, Apprentice Veterinarian                *

*     "Five tablets and a ten minute consultation. That's 50 please."     *

Don Scurlo

How are Virtual Karts and Screamer?

by Don Scurlo » Sun, 28 Jan 1996 04:00:00

>Subject: How are Virtual Karts and Screamer?
>Date: 27 Jan 1996 04:46:31 -0500
>I saw these two programs in the store and considered buying them, but
>thought I'd ask everyone's opinion first.  I enjoy my Nascar and Indycar.
>Need for Speed plays a little too slow and choppy on my DX4/100/16MRAM
>with 2MVRAM #9 PCI card.  Are they worth the money?

    If the Virtual Karts demo I downloaded is anything like the game then  
it's a complete waste of time and a major disapointment from Microprose.
   I rented Screamer and I'm really glad I did,  I would have felt
like I really wasted some money had I actually bought it.  It's very arcadish,
 it doesn't feel like real driving at all,  I'm surprised people even talk
about it in the same sentence as NFS,  it's not in the same league for driving
realism.  I have them all, World Curcuit,  Indycar 1 and 2,  Nascar,  and NFS
is the most fun I've had with any of them.

How are Virtual Karts and Screamer?

by Copp » Tue, 30 Jan 1996 04:00:00

  I have them all, World Curcuit,  Indycar 1 and 2,  Nascar,  and NFS
  is the most fun I've had with any of them.

I just bought the NFS instead of Screamer. Glad I did now. I was
wondering if you can run it with The Thrustmaster II steering wheel. I
really don't like using the keys or a joystick. The cover says it will
support it but the calibrate doesn't seem to work right. Any

Dean E. Ree

How are Virtual Karts and Screamer?

by Dean E. Ree » Wed, 31 Jan 1996 04:00:00

I bought Virtual Karts and wish I hadn't.  It is an arcade game more thanit is
a simulation, as advertised.  I also have found that the support phone line is
always busy, and their support FAQ on America Online is rarely answered.
Buying this game was a big mistake.
Dave Bower

How are Virtual Karts and Screamer?

by Dave Bower » Sat, 10 Feb 1996 04:00:00

Virtual Karts is pretty poor... I played the demo.
No slip-sliding like real karts and the tracks are boring.
I prefer Manic Karts with a T2, although it seems to go a bit mad with
my soundcard [SB16]...




How are Virtual Karts and Screamer?

by WODA » Mon, 12 Feb 1996 04:00:00

Hey Dave Bowers !
You burnt THAT into my screen  :

Manic Carts ?
You mean the one with SVGA graphics ?
I think it isnt out now ???

* * * * * *  BYE and always a good connection ! * * * * * *
      * * * * * *         wishes          * * * * * *
                  ***  W  O  D  A  N  ***

Dave Bower

How are Virtual Karts and Screamer?

by Dave Bower » Sat, 17 Feb 1996 04:00:00

Sorry, I'll type less abrasively next time ;-)

Yeah I played the demo which came with a UK games mag, PC Gamer I think.



How are Virtual Karts and Screamer?

by WODA » Wed, 21 Feb 1996 04:00:00

Hey Dave Bowers !
You burnt THAT into my screen  :

And hows it ?
I think its really great from what Ive seen here up to now .
How big is the demo ? Can you upload it anywhere or do you know an adress where
I can get it from ?

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