% While this is all true, at the same time Microsoft is far from
% blameless in this issue. It appears that the Glide support is actually
% programmed into the game, works fine, improves performance, and was
% removed for the purely POLITICAL reason of Microsoft not wanting to
% admit that Glide is better (faster) than D3D. They even said as much
% on this forum, that the Glide version was no faster, a claim which
% from early testing results of this "patch" seems to be a bald faced
% lie.
Something does smell fishy here. There was some PR ***being dished
out by Microsoft (when they had a presence here in r.a.s.) about this.
It seems that they said were "looking" into a "patch/port" to Glide,
but then they found no peformance gain (except for really slow
machines). They therefore were not going to persue a Glide port, but
would instead work on improving the D3D frame rate. Here is a post from
Dean Lester of Microsoft (for more posts regarding this PR ***check
www.dejanews and do a Super Search filtering on group:
Subject: Re: No GLIDE for CPR...
Date: 1997/12/10
Newsgroups: rec.autos.simulators
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Here is my original posting to give you all the information you need in
to discuss this subject:-
The good news is we have achieved between 25 and 50% (or greater) frame rate
improvements for ALL users regardless of 3D card type - or no 3D card at
We did a lot of benchmarking on Glide (that's what we have been doing for
the last 3 weeks) but it didn't buy us very much - you need a really slow
(yes, s-l-o-w) machine to see any difference at all. So TRi found several
other ways to achieve much better improvements - for everyone.
I am sure many of the "3D experts" on this NG will cry foul - but TRi spent
weeks on the Glide version and have benchmarked the two versions of the SAME
game side-by-side. Anyone else who has done this much research and coding in
this area is welcome to offer their data - but the glib "Glide is much
faster than D3D" story does not turn out to be the case. I am sure that
won't satisfy everyone - especially those that love a good MS ***
theory - but that's the reality.
And before anyone posts their MS *** theory <yawn>, go here and check
out a posting that corresponds exactly with what we found - and these guys
have no reason to support MS - they develop a competing product to our own
Flight Simulator ...
"The patch is indeed reality. It should be on our web site next week. It
does not include native glide support. But its not like that would get you
vast speed improvements anyway. We've worked hard to get good efficiency
with d3d. The biggest thing you can do for your hardware performance is to
make sure your driver supports DrawPrimitive.
-James Fleming,
lead programmer on fu2"
We have benchmark data and a side-by-side comparison - but please share *
your *
code examples and findings on this complex subject of hardware abstraction
layers and
3D api's to help us improve the game for everyone.
>Poor planning and poor coding. No one in this NG is buying that MS suck-up
>excuse. There are quite a few glide coded examples that many of us have
>> I'm not cheerleading or trying to start flames, but the Dean (cart
>> team) guy has said they DID code a glide port to test the framerate
>> against D3d. FOR their Sim, the Glide port was not any faster than
>> D3D. This DOES NOT mean in any way that other programs will reflect
>> major improvements with Glide vs. D3d. But at least for CPR, it was too
>> close to call.
>> Dave Henrie
>> > apparantely this is the case:
>> > http://www.racesimcentral.net/#MARK1297090104
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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