I bought a T2 wheel a few days ago. I was a bit surprised to find out
that it had a 'Made in China' logo, while the FCS, WCS2 and RCS I
bought last year had 'Made in USA'. I didn't think ThrustMaster was a
big multinational company with production facilities in the Far East.
Yesterday I opened the T2 in order to solder some wires between the
gear change lever and 2 buttons that I have put on the wheel itself.
Well, I am not that good with a soldering iron, but I guess even I
could have done a better job doing the wiring on that lever.
The wires do not follow the contacts and are soldered sideways. An
extra 1/2 centimeter of wire on one contact would have allowed me to
close the box about 15 minutes faster. I finally resoldered the whole
the whole gear lever box and closed and refitted the lever in 15
seconds flat.
Finally - my question: where are the T2's sold in the US manufactured?
I am beginning to think that the understeering problems I am having
with GP2 are due to a pirated T2 made in China...