Of course, Joe, it must be remembered that no retail outlet is a
charity. In a lot of cases there is a "returns policy" set by the
distributor from who we purchase out stock. In some cases (and it can
actually depend on who the initial publisher is) there is NO returns
policy........the local distributor buys his stock and the retailer buys
his required amount and that's it.
In these cases, the return of a game would require a very good reason
before a refund was given so in some of these situations and exchange is
Naturally there are the few occassions where NOTHING is offered because
of the reason(s). "I don't like it" doesn't gain either a refund or an
exchange, particularly when the purchaser has had the game for several
With the upsurge in consumers buying CD writers it is crucial to the
survival of the smaller retailer that refunds and exchanges are looked
at very, very closely.
(At home)