>Humbug, A DSL line of 384k/384k up/download on a dedicated server can
>run a full field of 43 Live/Real Drivers with NO problem. With a
>field of 20, 2 live, 18 ai, non-dedicated, the machine STILL has to
>perform tracking of the AI, relay that information to the other live
>system, and all this can be done with a connection speed of 2400 baud
>with NO warping, NO problems. Papyrus would be a fool not to include
>this feature in N3. It wouldn't make since not too!
bandwidth as you would for 20 people.
The number of AI is not significant in terms of bandwidth.
I also assume you meant a 24000 baud connection.
Multiplay 19 clients by that 24000 and you see where the problem becomes.
AI doesn't use up bandwidth, live racers do.