You're right, the car sets for N1 and N2 are completely
incompatible. N2 holds the data for the car underbody etc and is
totally revamped fromt he N1 cars. However, the N2 Touring car set is
a blast, they have reworked some of the phyiscs, (lighter cars!)
better sounds, etc, plus you get to turn right a whole bunch. If you
are interested in Touring cars, until a dedicated TC sim is released,
I don't think you could do better than the Pits have.
plus, since Dodge has bailed from the North American Touring Cars
series, this may be the only place aside from SCCA Neons to race
On Thu, 6 Nov 1997 14:58:28 -0600, Steven James Hansen
>I was wondering if anyone had a touring car set for N1, or if someone
>would like to try and modify the set at The Pits site. The set at The
>Pits is for N2 and I haven't found a way to get it to work in N1 yet. Any
>help is greatly appreciated.
>Mark Martin-"The #6 is #1"
>Steve Hansen's Mark Martin Home Page
#99 The Pits Touring Car Championship