> : > : Sounds like another utility is needs to be written.
> : >
> : > Maybe it will. I get sick of driving the other car myself. ;)
> :
> : My reason for a utility is that using what comes with the program would
> : mean you would need MANY car sets.
> :
> : Bob (when Bob is the host)
> : Bob2 (when Bob is dialing)
> : John (when John is the host)
> : John2 (when John is dialing)
> : etc.
> Yea, but how else could it be done? I mean, the car COLORS have to be
> swapped. Not just the names. Or am I wrong?
> I don't know of any utility that swaps car colors except for the PaintKit.
> Besides, I couldn't write one like that just to change one car around.
> WAY beyond my knowledge.
> Now the names are no problem, but colors.... forget about it from me.
> In my opinion, the modem "features" of ICR2 leave a LOT to be desired. I
> mean, no season over the modem? Why bother then!?! That's the whole
> point of racing over the modem.
> And not swapping cars for me automatically is not only a major oversite,
> it's just plain sloppy!! Uncalled for, even.
> I am also one hoping that MS CART Precision Racing is AWESOME!! Can't
> wait for that one.
By saying a utility was needed wasn't to say YOU needed to create it,
actually it was something I added to my "to do" list.
The project I'm currently working on will require that feature. How to
make it work has already been determined. I guess a smaller version of
what I was going to create could be used as a utility.
The question I have is, of those people here who use ICR2, how many run
the Dos version, Win version, and 3D version?
I personally have both the Dos, and 3D version, not the Win version.