I would like to know if I would see a great difference in frame rates etc
Between the GF4 4200 , 4400 and 4600 cards.
I have noticed that there are quite a few brands using the same chipsets,
with quite a bit of difference in price between the Brands. I would also
like your comments on weather there is much difference between the different
brands using the same chip sets.
I really would like your opinions on which card offers the best bang for
bucks at the moment.
The next question is this, If you guys for example recommend the 4400 as
best value for money at the moment, would there be much difference in Frame
rates etc between say a 4400 64 Meg and a 4400 128 Meg.
How does the extra ram effect performance and by how much?
I Mainly use the following Sims:
in that order.
My current system is : (yes I know my current card is a dinosaur) :-)
P4 1.3
GF2 MX 64M
256 M RD Ram (800Mhz)
SB Live
Thanks in advance to all that Post