Does TM's Nascar Pro Wheel support force feedback?
Jure "SMOKKINU3" Zagoricnik
Does TM's Nascar Pro Wheel support force feedback?
Jure "SMOKKINU3" Zagoricnik
No, TM's FF wheel isn't out yet.
Jure Zagoricnik wrote in article
% Hi,
% Does TM's Nascar Pro Wheel support force feedback?
No, but ThrustMaster has a force feedback wheel in development. From
what I've heard they have opted to delay the completion and release of
their force feedback wheel until they see "real" sims that apply "real"
racing feedback in the programs. TM seems to be more interested in
providing a force feedback unit that will be more than just glitz,
one that will really enhance the "simulation" of racing. I guess they
want to see how the programmers are going to provide the "clues" and
"feedback" so they can produce a product that will enhance the acutally
driving experience and not just be "hand-candy".
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./. [- < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> % Does TM's Nascar Pro Wheel support force feedback?
> No, but ThrustMaster has a force feedback wheel in development. From
> what I've heard they have opted to delay the completion and release of
> their force feedback wheel until they see "real" sims that apply
> "real"
> racing feedback in the programs. TM seems to be more interested in
> providing a force feedback unit that will be more than just glitz,
> one that will really enhance the "simulation" of racing. I guess they
> want to see how the programmers are going to provide the "clues" and
> "feedback" so they can produce a product that will enhance the
> acutally
> driving experience and not just be "hand-candy".
> --
> **************************** Michael E. Carver
> *************************
> Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./. [- <
> ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Tony Gaylord - Portland, OR USA