I absolutely agree. My best time in the Coventry after only using it
for about fif*** minutes (and getting used to that understeer! - gotta
work on that for me!) at Zandvoort was 1:28.83. That is only marginally
slower than by best in the Ferrari at the same track where I have driven
endlessly and in many races to get a 1:27.42.
The main difference being that the Ferrari can turn a really hot lap
once in a while but more often the numbers are higher and in the high
1:28s or low 1:29s. Make a mistake and lets talk about 1:39s if not
What amazed me about the Coventry/Cooper is how forgiving it is. An
oversteer that spelt certain spin in the Ferrari is easily caught in the
Cooper; a touch too much of a wheel on the edge of the track and kiss
goodbye to your lead in the car from Maranello - not so in the
Cooper-Maserati: it just hangs on and gleefully asks "Okay, what do you
want me to do next?". It seems to me the Ferrari wants to bite the hand
of its feeder, whereas the Cooper is just eager to please.
I don't really know how much is setup and how much is the car, however.
I am using D.A.'s setups for the Ferrari and have modified them a bit to
my liking; I used Alison's setups right out of the box. A bit too much
understeer for my liking, so I will have to adjust that as long as it
doesn't upset the balance too much (I live in Canada, drive a lot in the
winter and have developed a terrible fear of understeer as a result of
too many wheel to curb smacks and bumper to pole conversations... I
know, I know, slow down and it will go away!! -- these are my younger
days I am talking about, in a front wheel drive car so we are talking
about very deep seeded, long lasting impressions!).
The Cooper with Alison's setups just feels like you get and extra moment
to catch a mistake. It is not the fastest car on the course, but easily
makes up for this by its forgiving nature. The second or two it is
slower on a hotlap doesn't come into play in a race for the most part:
people drive at 11/10ths during qualifying but that can't possibly be
sustained during a a whole race and with traffic about. There are a few
exceptional people I have seen in GPL who can just thunder out an
amazing time lap after lap after lap, but the are *very* few and far
So, kudos to Alison and the Cooper. I am eagerly awaiting her Ferrari
setups and then I will have to decide which Italian powerplant will have
to push me!
> On Thu, 19 Nov 1998 09:48:27 -0500, "Marc Collins"
> >Our intrepid Alison Hine has provided us with some great set-ups for the
> >Coventry and an article why we should care about this....
> Despite the Coventry's lack of outright speed it's probably my
> favourite car in the sim - It could be that it's a British thing to
> favour the underdog?! Not only is it really well behaved and tolerant
> of being thrown around and the occasional misplaced wheel, but what
> you lose in speed you can often make up for over a race distance by
> getting away with slip-ups that would otherwise have you off the
> track!
> Cheers!
> John