>I am very disappointed. I have put together what I thought was a
>killer system. I have a Gigabyte HX motherboard, a Cyrix P166+, an
>Integraph Intense 3D video card, a Quantum Bigfoot drive, 32Mg or EDO
>ram. I try running Nascar 2 and I am getting lousy performance. The
>game seems to stagger or stutter at 3 or 4 different points around the
>track. Same deal in Win or Dos. Both versions of Nascar show the same
>problem. I tried yanking the Cyrix and dropping a P-133 in, same
>results. I am looking for some insight, any suggestions would be
>appreciated. Much thanx.
Other than the lack of RDTSC instruction on your Cyrix chip, that
system should work well in a properly configured system. (Be sure you
are running in DMA mode. If you aren't, you have no real hope of
getting a super-nice smooth frame rate... If you aren't running in DMA
mode, correct that problem first.)
Are the sutters related to specific locations on the track, or are
they just periodic stutters? Periodic stutters, without connection to
specific "scenes" in the 3D world are most likely related to Win-95
going rummaging around your hard drive or network, checking to be sure
you don't run out of disk space, or trying to get an IP address via
DHCP, or something like that. Disable all of those annoying little
things, and give the game as close to 100% of the CPU as you can...
If the stutters are related to specific scenes, then you've probably
got to turn off some detail... One thing to try here is to run a 16MB
smartdrv to fool the game into using the 4-bit car textures, which are
faster. (This will probably become a command line option in the first
patch release as it is such a big win (speed-wise)...)
---Jim Sokoloff, Papyrus