It's Sunday night, I have been out buying a house $99,0000 the owner want's
, $93,000 she might get ......... I get home from making one of the most
important desicions I will probably make in my life and what do I want to do
? I wana play some DTR ! Over the years that I have been asociated with
the Iternet never has such a thing exited me as much as this game promis's
to give.
Headphones on I plunge my self into it .......... Sound so loud even the
most die hard Grand Prix Legends fans would shudder at the noise. Let it be
known I was involved with the developement of the game. That being only a
Alpha and Beta tester.. My input could be only regarded as limited, to that
point miniscule... the likes of real dirt track racers and others where
involved. Real racers in my point of view had the biggest impact on how the
games physic's react when you get your hands orn it. In the words of Justin
Balfour "I went to qualifiying today .... "speeds reached 170 mph down the
straight" and he wasn't talkin pixels ........ he is for real hear is a pic
of his car (well you might just have to go to my web page if ya wana c it)
..... all I can say is "DON'T TOUCH WHEELS JUSTIN" Jusrtin and I discussed
the fact that DTR is gunna rock people's view of Inernet racin.... It
certainly has changed mine... Thier are still some minor naging points that
need to be sorted out with the beta ...
The die hard GPLr's out thier sometimes think that thier is only one racing
simulation on the market ...... Well let me tell you boy's and girls ......
Thier is a new kid on the block and it is called Dirt Track Racing. The
most anoying thing that I have found over recent times is the lack of desent
internet code for online racing.... Over the weekend I spent most of my
time representing Australia in the speedway stakes.... As most of the dudes
that have raced against me know I'm not that hard to beat when it comes to
online racin... So Aussies stand up soon, as your country will need you when
internationals are held..... How is that going to happen you may ask ?
...... put it this way, all weekend while raicing the Americans, my pings
where over 550 ranging to 800...900 and you know what not one warp .......
It was very close to lan !
Well thier may be a few things that can make us smile like a fool when we
play a game .... A grimace can be achieved from the lean to the left that
you iveriably start doing when playin this game. A large smile also was hard
to wipe from my face while attacking the Ai. Personly I don't spend to much
time racing Ai's I tend only to race online or at lan or not at all. I could
go on and on about how much I like this game.. I can also say a few things
still have to be addressed aswell ... Hopefully when the final version comes
out ... Ratbag will take notice of what some of the testers have had to say
(not that they arn't right now).... All in all this game, I LIKE A LOT !
Oh yeh ... who needs a pallete when you can paint a car in any colour you
like .. :)
Phill (Carnrat) Bennett
ICQ # 2843454
Speiling mistakes, me never!