Low cost motion capture hardware

Bruce Sutherlan

Low cost motion capture hardware

by Bruce Sutherlan » Thu, 26 Jun 2003 18:35:22


I've been reading this group for a while now, but this is my first

I'm interested in digitally recording the motion of a car for the
purpose of a 3D animation. It's a hobby project, so my budget is
limited to around $200 Australian. I'm open to suggestions. I would
like to be able to know the position of the car's chassis in three
dimensions, sampling data at least ten times per second. The
recordings themselves will be a few minutes long at most. The car will
be driving in a relatively flat, open and limited area.

At present, my best idea involves three triaxial accelerometers and a
microprocessor interfacing with a PC using a serial interface. Has
anybody here done this before? What did you use?

All help is greatly appreciated.

Bruce Sutherland.

Doug Millike

Low cost motion capture hardware

by Doug Millike » Fri, 27 Jun 2003 13:50:08

The Valentine Research g-Analyst was the first low cost data system that I
know about, has 3 accelerometers, but the display that comes with it only
plots lateral and longitudinal.  With an external home-built circuit it
was possible to get the vertical accel too.  Long out of production, but
many people still use them.

Here is one link that discusses a newer data box, there are many
companies that supply data systems--

I think that you might have to do a lot of work yourself if you really want
to stick to that low budget.  Or maybe you can buy a used system, car
racers are always trading up to fancier stuff.

-- Doug Milliken  <--- brand new book

> Hi

> I've been reading this group for a while now, but this is my first
> post.

> I'm interested in digitally recording the motion of a car for the
> purpose of a 3D animation. It's a hobby project, so my budget is
> limited to around $200 Australian. I'm open to suggestions. I would
> like to be able to know the position of the car's chassis in three
> dimensions, sampling data at least ten times per second. The
> recordings themselves will be a few minutes long at most. The car will
> be driving in a relatively flat, open and limited area.

> At present, my best idea involves three triaxial accelerometers and a
> microprocessor interfacing with a PC using a serial interface. Has
> anybody here done this before? What did you use?

> All help is greatly appreciated.

> Bruce Sutherland.

Bruce Sutherlan

Low cost motion capture hardware

by Bruce Sutherlan » Fri, 27 Jun 2003 21:40:43

Thanks for the ideas!
Doug Millike

Low cost motion capture hardware

by Doug Millike » Sun, 29 Jun 2003 05:52:39

> Thanks for the ideas!

Here is a current low-cost product (Competition model is 3-axis):

Maybe if you contacted them they would tell you how to get all
three accelerations out of their serial interface?  It's a small
company so they might be interested in your application...

Let RAS know what you learn!

-- Doug  <-- new book is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.