thought it was excellent for an arcade game. Reminds me of POD which was one
of the best arcade racers ever. Four tracks in time attack mode.
Installation was very quick and simple.
Graphics from Ubi are fantastic as usual, and have some effects I've
certainly never seen before. Most of you probably know it is an F1
influenced futuristic racer which Villeneuve had a hand in developing.
Recognized my Ferrari wheel with split axis with no problem.
The FF is excellent, and you feel all sorts of road surface effects. There's
also a lot of***pit movement. F1RC has neither, which caused some people
to complain that they felt like they were driving on ice. If these two
features carry over to RC3, then I'm going to make a little prediction and
say that RC3 supplants F12002 as the best F1 sim. There's also going to be
multiplayer in RC3 because they decided to go with no licensing. How robust
it will be, I don't know.
I also liked the way the car reacted during crashes, and handled when
damaged, which indicated a pretty complex damage model. Of course it repairs
itself. :-)
No, there was never the requested patch for F1RC, but that was due to the
publisher who has been dropped. Ubi has full control over RC3, and will
hopefully go back to their old ways of supplying all the necessary patches
in a timely manner like they have with their previous titles.
David G Fisher