Thanks for the suggestion Jan, but its a bit messy. I've played around
with changing that, but windows seems to lose them, or not want to
change which one it is using. I have managed to get it swapped, but
windows keeps stuffing me around. I'll see how I go...
Rafe Mc
On Wed, 13 Jun 2001 11:10:41 +0200, "Jan Verschueren"
>Have you tried leaving the 3-axis mode "installed", just moving it to say
>ID3 using the Advanced tab (DX7, called Controller ID's when using DX8) and
>then adding the two axis mode in slot ID1? -When resetting the wheel you
>could then just swap the settings around in software.
>Don't know if that would work with controllers residing on the same port,
>but it's worth a shot I think.
>"Pay attention when I'm talking to you boy!" -Foghorn Leghorn.
>Rafe McAuliffe wrote...
>> Got a Saitek R4 wheel (not the best I know but it gets
>> the job done) which has switching for 3 modes (3 axis
>> mode, standard 2 axis and some weird combined mode).
>> Each time I switch modes for dodgy dames that don't
>> recognise 3axis, I have to change game controllers,
>> remove and then add the new mode, recalibrate, etc. in
>> Win98se "game controllers". So does anyone know how to
>> jump between these modes without having to recalibrate
>> each time? Some kind of game controller manager?
>> Any thoughts appreciated!
>> Rafe Mc