I hope you all will try the MTM2 demo. I'm just as serious a sim enthusiast
as most of you, and while this isn't exactly a pure sim, it is an excellent
driving game that should interest many of you here at r.a.s. It may very
well set new standards in a lot of key areas of driving games/sims. It also
is just a blast to drive and to race against the AI or others on-line.
Myself and the other beta testers were almost all serious sim racers and we
had a great time testing this game and racing each other. I found myself
saying "wow" all the time and laughing quite a bit at what I saw going
on in front of me and even from what I did myself on the track. It's a great
to take a break from the more serious sims and have some fun but don't
assume by that statement that I mean it's easy. It is very challenging to be
fast and you will need to use all your driving skills and also find
some new skills to be good. If you can do a 49 sec lap on the Farm Road
track in this demo than you ARE good.
The reason MTM2 is very relevant to the sim world is because the game engine
could be used to make an excellent sim in the same way Ubi Soft used their
very good arcade game POD to make F1RS. IMO sim developers will now have to
equal or surpass the level of some of the components which make up MTM2.
The graphics are the best I have ever seen in any driving sim/game. The
tracks are beautiful and the trucks look incredibly realistic.The Photex2
graphics engine produces stunning graphic effects. I could go on and on
them but it's best to see for yourself.
The driving model is excellent. Although reality is definitely stretched due
to the nature of the game, it still has a tremendous feel to it. Set the
suspension to soft and enjoy throwing the trucks around the course and
sliding through the turns.
There is weather and time of day effects such as night, pitch black, dusk,
fog, dense fog, rain (with thunder and lightning strikes), accumulating
snow, clear, and
cloudy. The translucent headlights piercing the darkness is done
Sound is as good as it gets.
Force feedback is the best I've experienced so far. Drive down the railroad
tracks and see how your hands feel.
Internet races are extremely smooth. I've had people in Europe, Hawaii, and
across the U.S all in the same race and warping was almost non-existent.
Check out the demo to get an idea of what the full version will offer when
it's released in a couple of weeks. If you love to drive, and race, and have
some fun, I think you will really enjoy it. MS and TRI have created an
excellent and fun driving sim.