>: Just got back from CompUsa and they have the T2 "on Sale" for 169.99!!!!
>: Can you believe this!!! I swear I saw it there for 129.99 just about a
>: month ago! BestBuy is still selling it regularly for 109.99 and the sale
>: price is 99.99! I wonder if TM raised the price on CompUsa or something .
>So go buy it from CompUSA. Then leave the store. Come back some time
>later and tell them that the price is better at Best Buy. They will
>refund the difference + 10% more.
>So that way you get it for $169.99 - 70$ - $7 = $92.99
>PS - Just going by memory. I'm not 100% sure about the 10% thing.
Justin, Doug is absolutely right, but they recently implimented a new
policy. You have a 10 day return on all hardware purchased at their
store. After that, I believe you can return up to 30 days, but if you
return it after 10 days, you get a credit, no chance of refund. I'm
not 100% on this, but one employee at CompUSA told me this.
On another note about buying a wheel at Comp USA... make sure that
Best Buy has T2's in stock when you go back to Comp USA because if
it's not in stock at the competiting store, Comp won't honor the price
Take Care, Charlie