> This arcade game from ATARI is at least 5 years old and as far as I'm
> concerned it's the best simulation around, despite blocky graphics. Maybe
> it's because of the feedback through the steering wheel. It also has
> exellent vehical dynamics. Does anyone know of an affordable steering
> feedback system for PCs? I played RACE DRIVIN' the other day on a machine
> where the steering feedback was non-functional, and it really sucked. So
> I think the feedback really would add significantly to any driving game.
> So would VR headtracking support. Do any current or near future games
> support any of this?
> John W
I really doubt a feedback system could be affordable. When HardDrivin first
came out the simulator cost $10,000. I bet it would still cost a couple
grand. Not to mention they always broke down. As for head tracking, I think the
***Max was recently released. It's the successor to (Logitech's?) first
sucky helmet, forgot it's name. It's supposed to be a real improvement but
instead of 2-300 it cost a little under $900. In addition to the prohibative
cost there is the fact that software must be specifically written to support
it. Who's going to waste time programming a racing game for a product
that practically nobody owns that will only cause the game to be slower?
We are not going to see any of this in mass market for years to come. :(