Well other than the Thrustmaster software not being installed properly,
there isn't much that should prevent it from starting. I'm assuming it's a
USB wheel so perhaps you could check with your motherboard manufacturer to
see of there are updates for the USB drivers. Have you had working USB
items connected before?
dave henrie
> > I recently installed my Thrustmaster Nascar Charger wheel on my new
> > system. Athlon 1900+ with a Asus mother board. Everything worked okay
> > until I restarted, then the system won't boot up. If I disconnect the
> > wheel, I can boot okay and then I can plug the wheel back in and
> > everything works. Is there a remedy for this or am I stuck with it like
> > it is??
> > thanks, foghat
> Well other than the Thrustmaster software not being installed properly,
> there isn't much that should prevent it from starting. I'm assuming it's a
> USB wheel so perhaps you could check with your motherboard manufacturer to
> see of there are updates for the USB drivers. Have you had working USB
> items connected before?
> dave henrie
Of course I have ideas...but are they GOOD ideas????
You may be having a conflict between two serial ports. Do you use
onboard sound or do you have a soundcard? CHeck out the bios settings and
verify that one or both serial ports available to your motherboard are
enabled. If they are not toggle through turning them on or off in bios,
and rebooting..seeing if that will do it. There used to be utilites that
would read your ports. I think Thrustmaster used to have some wierdo thing
that was supposed to verify your stick was connected properly via a
soundcard port and what values it was reporting. It may be something as
simple as the old Thrustmaster Charger wheels just don't work in a newer
system. I would suspect that XP systems prefer a usb device vs a serial
port or soundcard connection, but since I don't have xp yet...I can't say
for sure.
dave henrie