Yes it's normal. No, it isn't correct. The problem is almost certainly a
bent motor shaft due to shoddy construction techniques. They arn't all like
this. Only about 90% of them. If you can exchange it, do so. Make the store
let you try them until you find one that's right. Maybe if everyone did this
the stores would complain to Logitech and they'd do something about it.
If the store won't do anything for you, or if you ordered it online, call
Logi tech support directly and complain. They'll probably send you a new
one. I know they've done it for others.
As others proposed already: Bring it back for exchange.
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Racing simulation, esp. GPL
Logitech Wingman FF optimization
Classic cars, esp. Morris Minor
Radio controlled airplanes
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Racing simulation, esp. GPL
Logitech Wingman FF optimization
Classic cars, esp. Morris Minor
Radio controlled airplanes
> Jens
> >Yes it's normal. No, it isn't correct. The problem is almost certainly a
> <snip>>
This is outragous.
Even under warrenty I'd be perfectly happy to have Logi ship me the parts
and install them myself.
There's one in every crowd.
Usually it's me.
> Well I just got it yesterday and am not used to it yet... looks great but it
> seems a little less than smooth... is this normal?
I could tell when I spoke on the phone the service rep I was talking to was
getting really tired of having to tell people sorry we're a company that
doesn't support our customers and makes them buy the whole thing if one
little thing breaks out of the very short warranty for a product that should
be built to last much longer than a year. The rep sounded genuinely sorry of
I'll go Act-Labs next time or maybe that Ferrari well if I can find out more
about warranty. Act-Labs is a class act place, and being that all the wheels
are so closely matched, there's little choice in my mind, I just hope the RS
comes down a bit more so I can replace my slightly shotty Logitech wheel.
One more note, people on this group have been very helpful with trying to
fix my problem, but since the Logitech documentation is of no help, I have
been unable to get the dang cap off the front, my trusty ol' Thrustmaster
was never that hard to open up.
> > Well said.
> > Jens
> > >Yes it's normal. No, it isn't correct. The problem is almost certainly
> > <snip>>
> What REALLY irks me about the whole affair is Logi's position that the
> wheels arn't repairable and thus refusing to supply parts. So if the cable
> snaps one day after the wheel is out of warrenty I have to buy a new wheel
> to replace a one dollar part.
> This is outragous.
> Even under warrenty I'd be perfectly happy to have Logi ship me the parts
> and install them myself.
JensSchumi homepage at
Racing simulation, esp. GPL
Logitech Wingman FF optimization
Classic cars, esp. Morris Minor
Radio controlled airplanes
The dang cap just prys right out. It's only held on by three little clips.
You just need to find a blade narrow and stiff enough to get into the slot.
One of the broader Exacto knife blades works fine.
Guess I'll got with ACT Labs myself next time. I just don't like the look of
the wheel itself. Minor quible if it works properly.
> Small correction:
> If it's smooth with power off, the spindle is *not* bent.
> Jens
> >If it is smooth with the power off, the spindle is bent and you should
> >return it for a new one, lemme guess the sticker on the bottom says made
> >in china.....
> >Sudesh
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> Racing simulation, esp. GPL
> Logitech Wingman FF optimization
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