I've visited the annual Game Computer Show here in Paris this
afternoon and i saw the demonstration of F1GP II.
It's Monza, it's in VGA, it's fast, buggy and it really
look the F1GP 1 with some new trees and some
textures :(
the options are pretty like the same that in the one
the menu are prettiest, they are in SVGA.
The men on the stands said that the version is not to
be released before 2 month minimal. If this demo
is where they are i really could believe that.
I bought Screamer on the Show, i tried to find
Indycar II but for it, it not two months to wait but
1 month. It must be released here in France before
Dec 20.
On the Virgon stand i was able to play the full version
in VGA and it was pretty correct.
I bought Screamer because the box said that the T1 and
the T2 works with the game. I was only able to affect
the sterring thing, all concerning Joy1 but nothing
on Joy2, anyone could help ?
Let plays arcade to forget and to wait :)