Or you can try replacing the potentiometer with a higher quality one (make
sure it is the same OHM value I'd assume)..
Even the highest quality potentiometer is still going to be miles cheaper
than a "boutique" steering wheel that doesnt' even have force feedback.
> > Hello everyone, I have a quick question regarding racing wheels. I own
> > Pro Digital racing wheel. And I'm looking for a new one. I don't
> unserstand
> > why Thrustmaster put out a crappy wheel. I want to know if anyone else
> > experiences gitter when you make slight steering changes? This is really
> > making me mad. I'm having a hard time being able to keep a straight
> This is because the pots (potentiometers) have become dirty. Open your
> and pedals and spray contact cleaner or isopropyl *** into the pots to
> clean them
> > Also what is the best non-Force feedback wheels out there today?
> MS non-FF is quite nice, not sure if they still sell them. brd wheels
> http://www.racesimcentral.net/ are the bst of the lot but cost a fortune
> > Thanks in advanced.