Funny, I went into EB the other day with my copy of F1RS and they would
not let me trade it in ?
If all car dealerships let you trade in older cars why dont software stores
(or the software companys) let you do that with software?
Could it be that they are not the same thing ?
If you were right (with your below comments) then I would be getting
back from UBI for my "old" game.
Ya know, You would have made a better point if you would have compared
games to stale food <G>, but you would have been just as wrong.
IMHO It`s time for a change in the way software companys do things
(read my new post on that topic).
>Do you people *really* comprehend what you are saying?
>I'll use as analogy to make it simple:
>In January you bought a new car. A new model from a relative new
>manufacturer. The car had a six-cylinder, single-point fuel-injected
>engine, a four-speed gearbox and a 4-speaker AM-FM radio. It was only
>available in any of 6 colours, none of them metallic, so you chose the
>plain white one. didn't have air-conditioning. But it did have
>some features as standard that piqued your interest: alloy wheels with
>low-profile tyres; a sports body kit; some 'go-faster' striping and a
>great looking spoiler on the back. So you bought it because it looked
>great, went pretty well and, even though it had a whimpy exhaust note,
>you liked the handling.
>You were quite pleased with the car, feeling that, although there was
>room for improvement in several areas, you had received a most usable
>Then yesterday the manufacturer released the new model! It came
>standard with a multi-point fuel-injected V6, a five-speed gearbox, a
>six-speaker radio with CD player and was available in any of 16 colours,
>6 of which were metallics! All the other things that you liked about
>the original car were included.
>You then complained bitterly that *THIS* was the car that *SHOULD* have
>been released back in January! And you demanded that the manufacturer
>upgrade your old car, free-of-charge, or at least give you a new one at
>minimal cost.
>The manufacturer suggested that you to seek immediate psychiatric before
>calling you a total ***er.
>> I agree ===>100%<=== !!!!!!!!!
>> Great post.......I think it`s time the people that buy the 1st ver
>> (that allows for a 2nd ver) get rewarded in some way....
>> Instead of getting a slap in the face.