increasingly frustrating, for the following reasons: -
- It is very difficult to establish any sort of driving rhythm in this game.
At first I thought this would come with practice - but to no avail. I think
it is a result of that "on rails" feel the cars have.
- Does almost every square inch of the Mobil 1 BRC really consist of banking
which has the angle of attack and same launching effect as a V1 ramp? The
slightest error and you are airborne - this aspect of the game is overdone -
how maddening when you're only a mile from home after a 26 mile Pirelli
stage. If rallying were this dangerous, they'd have banned it!
- I know brake technology is coming on in leaps and bounds, but nothing on
earth stops quicker than the brake modelling in this game.
- Sometimes it is nigh on impossible to miss things like bridges and gates,
because the steering, even set on very sensitive, just isn't responsive
- r.a.s regulars may knock Sega Rally 2, but I'll swear the cornering is
more realistic. Getting RC cars sideways just isn't what the physics model
wants you to do. Watch in-car footage of any rally anywhere and you'll see
what I mean.
Above all else, this game just isn't providing me with a satisfying learning
curve. Even the vertical face you climb in GPL gradually reaps rewards. For
me, at least, all the cars seem to want to do in RC is to get some serious
air and turn over.
Having said all this, I'm not about to quit. Just wanted to post my thoughts
to provoke others to post the opposing arguments to mine.
kind regards