I think what they are saying is that in a LAN enviroment, 4 players
and "maybe" more will be smooth. The minimum they are shooting for is
not the # of players, but how many drivers can join before it starts
timing out, or crashing because of lost packets etc.
8 is pretty much a default # when LAN users are counted, but they may
not be able to guarentee smooth gameplay with that many, so what they
are saying is......game play won't suffer with 4 or more players. Thats
the minimum # they are willing to accept. If they get 6 playing
smoothly fine, that means 2 will run even better.
dave henrie
> On the offical gp3 site... www.f1grandprix3.com under Game
> Overview\Features it says Multiplayer on LAN for 4+... I was wondering
> what this ment. I checked out the FAQ this was there....
> Q. What about multiplayer?
> A. As well as supporting hot-seat and direct serial link, GP3 will
> also support a minimum of 4 players via LAN.
> Let me get this right... you MUST have 4 players to play a multiplayer
> LAN match? Is it just me or is this really messed up?