: What i miss in ICR2 is a multi-player championship option, just like in F1GP. In
: F1GP it was no problem is (due to for instance accidents, damage etc.) you got
: second or worse. Then points were important, both for the drives as the team.
--- Yes, I think this would be a very good idea as well. I think a smallish
menu should be added to load which season you want to play (ie. you give it
a name or whatever), then when you load up with your buddy on the modem you
can select the season you wish (the modem one) and a small data transfer of
the appropriate .bin file, and away you go... full scale season play via the
modem. All the users would have to ensure is that the same carset is being
used, the same track files (if any have been modified, .txt) and the same
version of the game. Why this has not been done, I'm not sure. It's been
suggested though, ;-).
--- As it is now, one must run the races individualy and track stats in a
spread sheet or on paper. Very clumsy these days I think.
My take on the matter anyhow.
Chris Goucher
Christopher Goucher