Well Barry.....your friend was....mistaken. The game ain't out yet!
I did hear some have seen it on Play Station...but not for a PC.
Well Barry.....your friend was....mistaken. The game ain't out yet!
I did hear some have seen it on Play Station...but not for a PC.
> >Today's sale papers showed NASCAR 2 on sale now at Best Buy and Comp
> >I don't know if this is true, because I haven't seen it myself, but I
> >they would advertise if it wasn't. If anybody checks this out, let me
> >know, just curious. Thanks!
> >Michael***erson
> I just got an E-Mail from a friend who went to his local Best Buy and
> seen a woman at the checkout with Nascar2. When he got back to the
> shelf they were all gone. The salesman said he had just sold his last
> copy. They had gotten only a few and the next shipment wasn't due till
> next week. I know that my friend wouldn't lie to me about such a thing
> because we are both very serious when it comes to getting this sim.
> Barry Clay
Nascar..Weather..Photo Gallery...OnNetCameras..Oddities..and more..
Stop on by, what can it hurt?
> says...
> > >Today's sale papers showed NASCAR 2 on sale now at Best Buy and Comp
> USA.
> > >I don't know if this is true, because I haven't seen it myself, but I
> doubt
> > >they would advertise if it wasn't. If anybody checks this out, let me
If you live near a Best Buy go get a rain check they have a great price
at $29 and they will hold a copy till u get there,or thats what they
told me.
Tom Seiner