> I remember hearing someone scream from the porta-pody once, but ever
> since then when I hit it, I just hear a toilet flush.
> --
> Brian Fox
> The Fox Den: Nascar and ICR2
> http://www.4w.com/pages/fox AND/OR
> http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/1238
> When I die, I want to go peacefully, like my grandfather in his sleep,
> not screaming like the other passengers in his car.
> > While playing the trial version, I noticed an interesting reply from
> > the fella in the 'loo (that's a toilet to those who do not speak
> > "strine") has a comment for you when you slam into him, also the
> crowd
> > in the grandstand does not appreciate you trying to remove the
> > grandstand supports from behind.
If you type h then trex while your drving you get a trex vehicle that
is munching on a car. Its a LOT bigger than your normal trucks and won't
clear some of the lows obstacles you have to go under. Its on the MTM
page too.