www.interact-acc.com). It supports
force feedback. Anyone else using this
controller? What are your thoughts on it?
I play N3 mostly, and the FF seems to
be limited to "vibrate every time you turn
the wheel." Also I'm not sure I like being
limited to 2 axis - gotta move the left
trigger finger quite a bit to go from full
throttle to *** the brakes.
I don't like the dead zone in N3, but I think there
is a utility at www.stickworks.com to reduce
it. I think it's a deadzone problem when I
try to ease through a turn at Tally, and want to
correct to the right just a tad, but have to
turn the wheel back across the middle of its axis
to do this, rather than achieve the correction
by slightly backing off on the left turn.
Clear as mud? :-)
I always remove the interact monitor thing from
my icon tray. If I leave it on, the game gets
choppy (even with July 1999 patch). As a result I don't
map any keys so I have to take my hand off the wheel to
hit F1, F2, etc. Can't type messages or take a drink
during a race ;-) Also the key mapper utility seemed
to have a bug as you couldn't map F1 to a key,
it always brought up the Help files for the key
Is there a way to permanently remove the interact
Curious if anyone else races with one of these?
Doug Appleyard
"Bound to cover just a little more ground"
Sent via Deja.com http://www.racesimcentral.net/
Before you buy.