models, textures, physics.
Despite my better judgement - I thought i'd try it online - on a server
called "Alfa Mod Only" or words to that effect.
Anyhow - there I was enjoying a pole position at the n'ring of 2:14 or
thereabouts and I decide to watch the other cars.
Imagine my suprise - when flicking thru the 130mph Alfa's - when one of
them's doing 90 in first - and in excess of 180 coming upto the chicane.
Despite numerous "You're NOT USING THE ALFA MOD" screams at the chat
thingie - no luck.
The net code is about as usefull as a waterproof teabag in a chocloate
teapot - so it's hardly an issue really ( and the AI is fantastic with the
Alfa mod - even if they do get stuck sometimes ) - but it would appear that
you can make the worlds best mod for F12002 - and just show up in a Ferrari
F1 car - that will appear to be one of the mod teams.
Oh ISI - you really do have a long way to go - pity they're giving up with