I have a slight problem with the use of the plank in GP2. The manual
states that if the ride height is set too low then the car will suffer
a drag penalty as a result of the plank touching the ground. Now I am
currently trying to optimize my settings for each of the tracks and am
at a stage where the only time the plank is touching the ground is
when I am braking as hard as possible into corners. What I want to
know, is if the drag penalty is across the board - ie. my top speed at
ANY given point on the track is lower than it would be if the plank
wasn`t touching the ground at maybe just one point on the circuit. If
the only time I suffer a drag penalty is when I`m braking anyway then
I couldn`t care less about a drag penalty, I positively welcome it!
Another thing I noticed whilst playing a championship season at 20%
race distance is that on the two new circuits (Jerez and Pacific) I
ran out of fuel on my last lap whilst in pole. This was despite the
fact that at the start of each of these two races I began with 2 laps
extra fuel over the race total. Could this have anything to do with my
being a keyboarder, as I have this tendency to tap-tap-tap-tap at the
accelerator on long sweeping curves in order to maintain my speed? Is
there a way to increase the amount of fuel you take into the start of
a race?