I add any assists and/or hacks to make the game easier to drive, I
want to get very realistic behavior. Things are going very well so
far, as we have the driveline simulated, realistic tire curves,
independant suspension, a rigid-body base, and all the basics that a
good simulator should have. The behavior is thus far very realistic,
except for a major flaw...I think.
If we are in a steady-state corner at or near the limit of lateral
friction, and you apply the brakes, it creates pretty heavy understeer
in our simulation. The car is set up with no ABS, and front/rear
brake bias such that the fronts and rears will lock up at the same
brake input in straight-line braking. Almost everyone I've talked to
thinks that the car should oversteer (completely lose its rear) in
this situation. I can see two major new torques acting on the body
once the brakes are applied:
1) The weight-shift forward due to braking would cause an oversteer
torque because the front tires have a greater load and therefore
greater lateral force than the rears.
2) Since the outside-front tire has the greatest load, the
longitudinal (braking) force of the tires will cause an understeer
torque (this one is not as intuitive, but draw a diagram of a vehicle
cornering, and consider the braking force/torque of all tires on the
body, and the loads on each).
In our simulator, the torque of (2) is greater than that of (1), and
therefore the car understeers in this situation. I am wondering if
any of you out there that have run into this problem in your own
simulators. Or maybe someone knows what a real car would do.
Any advice or input here would be greatly appreciated! Great
newsgroup by the way...I have just recently discovered it :)
-Dave Gierok
PS: If I increase the rear brake-bias, I will get oversteer, but
people that I've asked swear that it should oversteer regardless.