For those of you interested in the NRL on TEN, they currently have an
offer (good until Dec. 31) that looks pretty good:
Plan 1 = $5/month for 5 hours, and $1/hr after that
Plan 2 = $15/month unlimited time.
This doesn't include internet access, you still have to pay $.95 if
you access through their nodes. The way I understand it, these rates
will be good for one year after you sign up, then they increase to the
standard rates of $10/mon and $2/hr, or $30 unlimited. Also, this
doesn't include internet access, it'll cost you an additional $.95/hr
if you use TEN's dialups.
It looks like a pretty good deal, the only shitty thing being that you
have to sign up now and who knows when Nascar will be available on
TEN. I signed up for the $5/5 hour plan and hopefully they'll let me
switch to the $15 unlimited when Nascar is up and running. Even if
they don't though, I think I can live with $1/hr <g>
* You're only young once, but you can stay immature forever *