Hi Stuart,
Go to the website and look in the Links Page for something I called
the 'Patch Page' (I ran out of buttons on the sidebar for it :)
The patch page has a pretty complete description of whats new in the
patch. The biggest things though, are that the computer cars can have
their setups tweaked and their laptimes specified by (you), using
simple command lines (see patch page again).
The other big area is in Internet Racing enhancements.. many things
added here. The latest, which I take personal credit for asking them to
include, is a hotkey (F11) that shows what the latency is during an
online race. It was always in the beta, but they didnt plan for it to
make the final release. It will, for sure.
Drop me a line any time if you have any questions.
TOCA2 Players Guide
> What can we expect in the patch? Game seemed to me to be pretty bug
> > I just tested the (hopefully last) beta of the Toca2 patch, and all
> > well. Codemasters is just checking everything to be sure, again and
> > again, before they release it ..but it looks like unless something
> > comes up the patch might be out very, very soon.
> > Check my site for the download: (the minute its released)
> > http://blitzsports.com/racing/TOCA2/
> > MR
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