Hi I recently started driving ICR2 and coming from flight sims Im using a J
stick with a WCS throttle and Rudder pedals. I have it set up so I use the
pedals as brakes J stick for steering and the WCS for throttle and various
commands. I was wondering if any of you have a Key card of all the commands
available in ICR2? I know I can go through the manual and find each one but
it would be much easier to program my WCS straight off a command sheet.
Also can a few of you tell me your views on J sticks VS wheel & pedals for
racing sims? So far the J stick is ok but as I add boost and practice its
getting a little sensitive as far as input through the J stick for
steering.Thanks in advance for any help I've learned a bunch already just
reading the postings here! Aloha, Mike