IF this is what actually happens, it will really be too bad. MC will
be the first in the NFS series that I will not buy. I was really
looking forward to it because I am a muscle car enthusiast, but if I
have to pay for the game, and THEN pay a monthly fee to play on their
servers, I won't buy it just based on principle. If EA thinks they are
going to charge ME repeatedly for the honor of playing their game,
>Just checked the EA Motor City website today and there are no longer
>any references to competing against "virtual drivers offline." Looks
>like the preview which caught the eye of the folks at
>www.nfscheats.com was right. If you want to race classic American
>iron, you are going to have to do it by buying the game and then
>paying a monthly fee to use EA's servers.
>Too bad. I was really looking forward to driving that '40 Ford coupe.
>Remove "hi" from address or it will bounce....
Todd Walker
twalker294 at earthlink.net