So... What's DTR Like?

Chris Cavi

So... What's DTR Like?

by Chris Cavi » Tue, 07 Dec 1999 04:00:00

OK.  Who would like to tell me (or direct me to an appropriate web site)
what DTR is like?  I've just heard little bits and pieces from the
postings here and might just get the game.

How is game play?  How is online play?  How's the physics engine?  Yes,
I'm one of THOSE people who compares everything to GPL.  In this case,
however, I'm more interested in believability and having fun, rather
than total accuracy.  It's important to me, though, and if it's closer
to NFS3 than GPL on the physics scale then I'll probably pass.


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Before you buy.

john moor

So... What's DTR Like?

by john moor » Tue, 07 Dec 1999 04:00:00

It's great. About 95% of my sim time has been spent with GPL since the demo
came out and this is the same thing all over again, sim like ( I have
limited dirt track experience) and loads of fun.
Get the demo at
John Moore

> OK.  Who would like to tell me (or direct me to an appropriate web site)
> what DTR is like?  I've just heard little bits and pieces from the
> postings here and might just get the game.

> How is game play?  How is online play?  How's the physics engine?  Yes,
> I'm one of THOSE people who compares everything to GPL.  In this case,
> however, I'm more interested in believability and having fun, rather
> than total accuracy.  It's important to me, though, and if it's closer
> to NFS3 than GPL on the physics scale then I'll probably pass.

> -Chris-

> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Don Burnett

So... What's DTR Like?

by Don Burnett » Wed, 08 Dec 1999 04:00:00

The physics engine is pretty darn good, I wouldn't say up to GPL standards,
but closer to it than it is to NFS3. Graphics are excellent. I think the
sound is severely lacking given the capabilies of today's sound cards.
I don't have the url, but there is a demo out for the game, try doing a
search for it shouldn't be too hard to find.
Lot of folks really enjoy DTR, I'd say it's worth getting the demo and
judging for yourself.

Don Burnette
Dburn in N3 and Legends

Don Burnett

So... What's DTR Like?

by Don Burnett » Wed, 08 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Found the website address, still had it from the DTR demo I have on my

Don Burnette
Dburn in N3 and Legends

Chris Cavi

So... What's DTR Like?

by Chris Cavi » Wed, 08 Dec 1999 04:00:00

One additional question:  How hardware intensive is it?  I've got
a PII-300, a V3-3000 and 64Mb of RAM.  Would it run similarly to
GPL, or is it more hardware intensive (since it's newer) than that?

Thanks for all the feedback,


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Before you buy.

Don Hancock (

So... What's DTR Like?

by Don Hancock ( » Wed, 08 Dec 1999 04:00:00

    You'll be fine.

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