Yessuh, but it's no GPL! Fry mah hide!
(orig.: Yes, but it's no GPL! )
Yessuh, but it's no GPL! Fry mah hide!
(orig.: Yes, but it's no GPL! )
Nice one.
I'm sure I've seen text like that on VROC before now... Was it Zandvoort or
Kyalami? It certainly wasn't Anderstorp.
Tony Whitley
GPLRank +10.65
"Do I 'ave yor attention, guv? good.
Not so bad, First fings first, I'm not tryin' ter put meself across as
some GPL or Motor Racin' Guru. I'm far from eever but I recently posted
some stuff ter a fread started by Eldred Pickett 'oo, like most of,
wants ter improve 'is times in GPL and it were well received.
I 'ave raced saloons and open-weelers for a number of years, right,
pretty succesfully and worked for the Jim Russell School based 'ere in
the UK as an instructor for a couple of years so I do 'ave some background.
I got GPL maybe 4 or 5 monffs ago so I'm 'ardly an "old-hand" but I've
plugged oray at it as time permits and am not doin' too badly IMHO."