>I tried to play gp2 in ace mode I noticed that coming out of the corner
>down the striaght the ai cars are alot faster than me is it because I am
>using auto shifting Ive also tried the setups on the net they didnt seem
>to help ,I need help...THANKS for any of your help
That's kind of as it should be, don't ya think? Ask Michael Andretti..
You can't just be a good racer and walk in the door and become an Ace
in F1. It is the same in the sim.
To get to the "Ace" level, it takes TONS of practice, setting the car
up for your driving style, and quit using the aids. I found I improved
lap times a great deal by turning off all the aids.
Remember, if almost everyone could beat the computer cars on the Ace
setting, the sim would lose it's appeal FAST!
Mark Formo
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