DOS help needed


DOS help needed

by sco.. » Fri, 27 Jun 1997 04:00:00

I have N2 loaded in my D drive,the rest is
default,D/sierra/nascar.What,exactly do I type to run N2 in dos?              


Michael E. Carve

DOS help needed

by Michael E. Carve » Fri, 27 Jun 1997 04:00:00

: I have N2 loaded in my D drive,the rest is
: default,D/sierra/nascar.What,exactly do I type to run N2 in dos?              
Assuming you have Win95, you need to devise a method of getting to a
pure DOS environment.  

One method is to use the "Exit to DOS.pif" to load the needed DOS
drivers (soundcard, mouse, etc.).  This pif is used when you choose Shut
Down -> Restart computer in MS-DOS mode.
  1)   Rt-Click on C:\Windows\"Exit to DOS.pif" in Explorer etc.
  2)   Properties | Program | Advanced...
  3)   Edit in your Config.sys & Autoexec.bat to taste
Will not affect Win95, but will work when "Exit to DOS" from the
Shutdown dialog.  You can then create shortcuts to the .pif from Start
menu or Desktop to access a usable DOS mode directly.

Then at your DOS prompt change to the Directory where N2 is and either
enter the command "N2.BAT" (which will play the intro) or "NASCAR2.EXE"
to start the sim without the intro.

The other approach is more direct (in a round about way).  If you double
click either N2.BAT or NASCAR2.EXE in Win95, a "pif" file should be
created that attempts to run the program in a DOS box.  After this pif
is created edit as above, but make sure you check the MS-DOS mode box
and the "specify a new DOS configuration" button on the Advanced page.
Again create a config.sys and autoexec.bat file to load needed DOS
drivers.  This should then shut your computer down and reboot in DOS and
automatically run N2.

**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
     Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./.  [-  < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Steve Vandergrif

DOS help needed

by Steve Vandergrif » Fri, 27 Jun 1997 04:00:00

> I have N2 loaded in my D drive,the rest is
> default,D/sierra/nascar.What,exactly do I type to run N2 in dos?

>                                 Thanks
>                                         Scott

Type:  CD Sierra <enter key>
       CD NASCAR <enter key>
       N2  <enter key, or>
       NASCAR2 <enter key>

God Bless,

Jon Gue

DOS help needed

by Jon Gue » Sat, 28 Jun 1997 04:00:00

>I have N2 loaded in my D drive,the rest is
>default,D/sierra/nascar.What,exactly do I type to run N2 in dos?              

>                                Thanks                                        
>                                        Scott

The correct location in DOS mode is d:\games\sierra\nascar2
to get there nicely type:

Then try dos commands such as "dir" and "dir *.exe" to find
executables and "dir *.bat" to find batch files. Batch files are used
to run two or more executables generally so are often used in games.

The actual files (on my machine) go like this:

For Vga-Svga try:

(this loads the smack file intro plus game)

(bypasses intro)

For the Sound Setup:

(loads sound setup)

For a Rendition owner:

(for intro and -dma option (what ever that is?)

(as above yet skips intro)

(loads game w/o intro and w/o the -dma option)

I'm not a rendition owner, but how do you get to see the intro and
load nasrend.exe on it's own? Make your own .bat?

So if you want, and don't like this DOS stuff. Create your own batch
file. Where ever you land when you boot to DOS type "edit NR2.bat" for
instance, then put the direct steps you normally type yourself eg:


then quit, save Yes, and type NR2, it will run through those steps and
load N2 in 'normal' (no rend.) mode. Even if that batch file is in

Be sure to mail me if you need any more DOS help. :)


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