> I'm about to update my hardware and I was wondering which one would
> better, PC or PS2. The games I mainly play are Codamaster's Colin
> McRae (2, 3 and 4) and Microprose's GP (3 and 4). At the moment I
> PC with FF steering wheel and two pedals.
> I know that there is a huge variety of download patches, tracks,
> setups etc. for PC games, how is it with PS2 software?
> At the moment I'm pretty strongly towards a new PC. All opinions
> advice are more than wellcome.
Keep this in mind when considering a PS2 or an XBOX for that matter (I
own both, plus a PC).
A console will cost less than half of what a top end video card costs!
The graphics may not be able to compare to a PC, but you'll be running
at a solid 60 fps throughout the game (well almost). Also in the
graphics department, for folks like me, who have an older PC, I find
that I have to turn off half of the graphical features of most new
games anyway, otherwise the framerate is unplayable.
Also, as mentioned above, you won't have all the mod's and tweaks that
are available on a PC, but on the other hand, you'll have access to
titles that are not available on the PC, such as the Gran Turismo and
Project Gotham series.
One other thing to consider....
Both F1 and Nascar have signed licence agrements with the console
makers (F1 with Sony and their PS2, and Nascar with EA and MS with the
XBox) so most, if not ALL new F1 and Nascar games will be either
console exclusive, or will be optimized for the console first, then
ported over (often poorly) to run on a PC later on.