What I just saw

Locutus of Borg AKA Species 561

What I just saw

by Locutus of Borg AKA Species 561 » Wed, 24 May 2000 04:00:00


When I was surfing the internet I came across this site, it really is great.




What I just saw

by Kev » Wed, 24 May 2000 04:00:00

I love those 'I came across this site' posts.
Is it yours by any chance?


Gregor Vebl

What I just saw

by Gregor Vebl » Wed, 24 May 2000 04:00:00

> I love those 'I came across this site' posts.
> Is it yours by any chance?

> Kev

Nah, it couldn't be his, would he dare crospost to all
newsgroups if he were a true spammer?



What I just saw

by robswindell » Wed, 24 May 2000 04:00:00

I was surfing this newsgroup when I came across this SPAM. It really does suck.

Todd Walk

What I just saw

by Todd Walk » Wed, 24 May 2000 04:00:00

Why can't you people grow up and just say "Hey, I just put up a
website that I think you guys will really like...please check it out."
The kind of posting that you used holds about as much water
as.....well, as something that doesn't hold much water at all.

So there.

On Tue, 23 May 2000 11:12:01 +0200, "Locutus of Borg AKA Species 5618"


>When I was surfing the internet I came across this site, it really is great.




Todd Walker
twalker294 at
Chris Bloo

What I just saw

by Chris Bloo » Wed, 24 May 2000 04:00:00

It's really pathetic isn't it?  But hey, did I tell you about
the site I came across today?  You really must see it.  Honest
guv, just this one favour.  Oh please, I won't ask any more
favors from ya.  I got a wife and five kids ya know.  It's for
my sisters operation. Please, wouldn't you do it for a blind man?

>Why can't you people grow up and just say "Hey, I just put up a
>website that I think you guys will really like...please check
it out."
>The kind of posting that you used holds about as much water
>as.....well, as something that doesn't hold much water at all.

>So there.

>On Tue, 23 May 2000 11:12:01 +0200, "Locutus of Borg AKA
Species 5618"


>>When I was surfing the internet I came across this site, it
really is great.




>Todd Walker
>twalker294 at

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