can any schu tell me how do they do that? i would be very appreciated if
any can tell me what is the optimium setup.
thanks in advance
thanks in advance
Robert Knauber
I did a 1:16.953 with it, with plenty oppurtunity for (minor)
improvement. Don't use autogears (and definitely no autobrakes);
you'll have better control in the corners.
Have a nice flight!
P.s. I'm *not* a 'schu'; I'm neither fast nor arrogant enough!
Of course, if you want to set fast laps the honest way, check out the
Hall of Fame setups.
I was recently trying to set some good times at Monza, part of my
plan to submit some times to the Hall of Fame ... until it closed
down :-(
My advice is to download the list of fastest lap times for each circuit
(which is the F1GP/WC home page
Each lap is accompanied by the settings the driver used to record the
time. At Monza, I take the default gear settings, raise first gear to
be where second usually is, raise 6th gear about 5 clicks, and spread out
the rest evenly between. You then need a front wing of about 45 to 50,
and a rear wing of about 20 - 25. With this, I set a 1:17:110, which
was pretty competitive last time I checked. I got a slip-stream assisted
1:16.7xx using much the same setup, but that wouldn't count for the Hall
of Fame, as slipstreaming is illegal. Oh, my other tip is to download
GP Perf which makes log files of your laps. You can then see where
you went faster on a good lap, and what line you took through the corners.
Also, get some kind of Split Time utility, so you can see if you're on
a hot lap all the way round the circuit, rather than when you cross the
line. For instance, at Monza if I come to the first Split Time point at
a fraction over 20 seconds (a 19.9 if I'm lucky!), then I know I did a
very good job of getting through the first chichane. On the other hand,
if the first split time reads 22 seconds, then this is never going to
be a record breaking lap, so I might as well abort it :-)
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